October 4, 2015


Double Income No Kids.

That is us. We are that married couple who has no dog, no kids, and outside of work no extra responsibilities.

Is that a good thing or bad thing? We tried getting a dog. The landlady denied us! It was pretty disappointing actually. Kids are somewhere in the long term plan. We are waiting to start that adventure. More on that later.
Buffalo Mountain, Silverthorne CO

We are doing our best to get involved with a church. Being social isn't one of our strong suits. But hey! We are have to working on something.

So what do DINKs do? Take a 24 hour getaway to the mountains.

Exploring is on of the reasons why we aren't having kids. We moved to Colorado so we can explore the beautiful state with free reign. We booked a hotel (talking CHEAP hotel) and explored the city. The next morning we enjoyed a long hike up a mountain. Then, we devoured a tasty lunch at a local grill.

It's funny. Even as DINKs we did everything as cheaply as we could. We packed leftovers for Friday's dinner. Ate the continental breakfast at the hotel. But we did allow ourselves a few treats and even dessert after lunch.

Even though we might be on a tight budget we still got to have a vacation and feel like we spent a lot! We ate great, we had a drink (or two!), and we got away from the daily rhythm. Exactly what a vacation should be like.

Buffalo Mountain, Silverthorne CO

Do you have an vacations planned? The travel bug is so fun to get!

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