January 12, 2015

Keeper of the laundry

I hope you enjoyed your weekend! Hopefully you feel rested and motivated for the week ahead. We kept it low key this weekend since my husband worked on Saturday. His Saturday work days are not my favorite because it takes away our quality time, but holy cow do I get a lot more done in the house! 

On Saturdays I normally do our laundry. I'm not really a huge fan of laundry. And to be honest, I'm terrible at it. Need something to fit smaller? Send it to me; I'll find a way to shrink it. Need something stained a wrong color? Don't worry I got your back. Seriously, I've done both of those things a handful of times. I've even done both of those things on one of my favorite shirts! Talk about a sad moment. 

You might wonder why I still do it. I could ask my husband to do it. I don't and unless I'm running short on time and need a hand, I don't like to ask him. He graciously does it if I do ask him. I think of it like my work. I would feel so guilty if a pile of laundry was waiting for him after a long day of work. I wouldn't feel right sitting around avoiding the pile because it's not my favorite chore. I hope my consciousness would kick in if I came to that point. 

Usually I iron church clothes and work clothes too. The first time I ironed my husband's clothes I was so nervous! I think my ironing skills have become better over time. Now I wish I watched my mother iron while growing up. She could crisp and sharpen any shirt. Many lessons I missed out because I thought it was boring! 

In the past few months I have got into a bad habit. Either I'll leave the last load in the dryer for days or ignore to fold it until hours later. I not proud of that habit, especially because I like to start and finish things in a timely matter. This past weekend I did it all in the same day! I didn't let any load sit on the bed for longer than it needed to. I want to continue those actions because it shows my dedication to the house work including those things I do not like. Plus it teaches me to follow through on everything.

We all have laundry to do. We will always have laundry to do. I think if we follow through when we have time it pays off mid week when you need that extra pair of underwear. 

*image found on here  (talk about a dream laundry room!)

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