November 24, 2014

Day 3: My job

Happy Monday everyone! I hope you are feeling rested and ready for the week ahead. For some of you you're looking forward to the short work week, others are looking forward to having the big family over and writing down the grocery list. Regardless, I hope you are able to enjoy the work in front of you.

Today I am giving thanks for my job. I do not write about my job often because I am technically not allowed to blog about it (seriously, it's in my contract). But I am giving thanks today because I know that I am blessed to have a job to go to everyday. I am blessed to be in a place where I get to take care of people everyday. Throughout my time in college I always got the question "what do you want to do after college?" I'd always mention event planning, or being a mother, but sometimes I'd say "anything that allows me to take care of others". Now 11 months later I have a position that allows that.

My job isn't the most strenuous or professional. I don't wear fancy clothes or high heels. Jeans, polo, and closed toe shoes is what you'll find me in everyday. My work teaches me patience, requires me to sit on the floor about 90% of the day, and I change diapers every 2 hours. But I really like it. Sometimes I feel like I am wasting my college education. I wish I could put to use the hours of studying those Communication Theories. But sitting here just thinking about them makes me unhappy. So really, I know that what I do everyday is a way better fit then writing marketing materials or press releases.

So today I give thanks for the work I have in front of me. I hope you can see your work as a blessing too.

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