And there is the reality of this blog. If I don't have a specific thing to write about you get silence. Sorry.
I truly do mean it. I've had a lot to write about but whenever I have the time it just doesn't get done. I am more than likely being distracted by all the professional bloggers out there. My desire to write is gone once I scroll through my Bloglovin feed. You'd think that would work the opposite way; you know sort of be a motivator. Nope. Not for me.
Anyways, I've been staying busy here in CO. But to be honest I was really thankful for the weekend when it came (two days ago). Especially when it started with a meal prepared by the husband. I wasn't really feeling last week. Maybe I'm the only person who gets this way, but I wasn't really enjoying life including my work and itching for something bigger. That desire was put to rest pretty quickly. Learning to be content is something I am continually working on.
My husband and I enjoyed a long hike in Roxborough State Park this weekend. We also enjoyed frozen yogurt after dinner (pumpkin froyo btw is amazing). With that kind of Saturday you really can't complain.
Weekends are sort of a double edge sword. They can either make life short or be a useful tool in enjoying more of it. I've noticed life will fly past you if you count life by the amazing weekends. So much is lost with the mindset of working for the weekend. 5 days can easily fly by if we don't truly acknowledge what we are doing. Why is it so hard to enjoy work? Aren't we suppose to be using our abilities to the Lord gave us? I know I have a lot of work to do to change my mindset about the work week and the weekends. Thankfully, after each weekend comes another week to do so.
Such a great reminder, Victoria! Thanks for sharing :) I love hearing what you're up to. Hope all is well!