June 1, 2014

Kenosha and Pie

Yesterday,  I got to visit my good friend Sarah. What a blessing it is to have a friend in my life who wants to put the effort into a long distance friendship.

Out attempt was to see each other every month since January. Technically, it was May 31st yesterday, but only 24 hours short of it being June. So we'll count it. I cannot wait for her to be my personal assistant for the wedding. I know she'll do a fine job.

We met in Kenosha. I was hoping for a 'cute' town with boutique's, small streets, and people bustling around. Well... Let's say Kenosha gets a C for cuteness but an A for food. They have a great coffee shop and a pie store. Dream come true. I've told my man how I wish Palos had a dessert place with just pie. Kenosha nailed this. The first time we walked in to check out the pie's and jams but left empty handed. The second time we came back I ordered a Buckeye pie. Chocolate mouse layered with peanut butter filling and chocolate ganache on top. Delicious (and quite sweet). This bakery was operated by a husband/wife duo and were pretty observant about their customers. The husband said "you're back!" when we walked in. So good job to you pie place. What a dream that would be to own a pie cafe where you sell ridiculously unhealthy, glorious looking, pie's to happy customers.

I will say though, I have yet to eat a crust that I like more than my mother's recipe.


  1. Love the post, and our time together! See you next month :)
