March 2, 2012

Forgetfulness and Friday Night

Sometimes I forget that I live in Ecuador because it is so great. Other times I struggle with missing my friends everywhere in the states and my family.

Today, for my HPCM (History, Politics, Cultural, and Missions) class we went to the Church of San Diego. I did not know we were going there so I did not have my camera. So you will just have to trust my words. This church was made in the 17th century with stone, brick, adobe, wood and a whole lot of gold. My teacher who gave the tour guide spoke all in Spanish, and with a student translator a lot of information got lost. However, I thought it was super cool that we were in a really old church where monks actually lived.

Today, I forgot  that I was living in Ecuador when we got to run around on the roof of this church. I am not sure that we were suppose to be doing that. But that is when I realized that only in Ecuador can you run around on top of a super old church. I felt a little like I was in the Bourne movies and was fleeing from the CIA or whoever those guys with guns are.

Other times I forget I am in Ecuador is about 10 p.m. and in the apartment. Because I am on the 9th floor it gets really quiet about that time. My host parents go to bed, and it just me and my books. But then I here random noises that sound like gun shots. I remember that only in Ecuador are there random fireworks almost every night.

Yesterday I went on my 1:1 with my R.A. Kim. (Shout out to Kim as she is a new blogger!) I forgot that I was living in Ecuador when we went to the mall and got sushi. Yes, that's right, sushi. It was a modern sushi bar in the middle of the food court. I can compare it to RA Sushi back in the states. It was delicious! Also, we got to watch them make the rolls which was fun. Then got asked if we wanted to learn, it got weird after that. My realization that I do live in Ecuador is when I have to order in Spanish and the menu is un readable to me. Thankfully, Kim had my back that time.

Even though today has been a good day, I ask for prayers. I am struggling with a bout of home sickness. I am trying hard to not let it affect me, however, when I know my friends are hanging out because it is Friday night it gets hard. But friends I ask that you have something extra sweet tonight for me or eat a lot of Nuetlla to replace my absence.  Also, I know that my sisters and mom are doing something great for their hubbies- and maybe going on a date. I realizing I am missing the opportunity to babysit the kids or help with getting their outfit ready.

 Finally, I also ask prayers during this season of Lent. It is getting difficult for me. Please send me emails if anyone has anything I can pray for them. Until the next post, be safe on this Friday night.


  1. we love you, Victoria! Hang in there girl! Prayers are coming your way:) "Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." -2 Cor. 4:16-18

  2. love you sis! know i am praying for you to not feel homesick, to enjoy every minute in ecuador and to continue to be learning all that God has for you to learn. Love you!
