May 13, 2015

Wedding Wednesday: Cotton Boll

There is so much story behind this photo. 

I wanted a rustic feel for the men's buttinere. No one likes a floppy flower anyways.   

My dad wanted wedding task.
Cotton bolls (yes, I googled it to make sure I am spelling the right word) was our common ground. 

Arizona Wedding, Cotton boll

After dinner one night we stopped on the side of the road beside a cotton field. We picked a bundle, took in the glorious sunset and were on our way.

Other than the burlap wrap, nothing else was done to the cotton boll. I am thankful I didn't have to make the buttinere's.  We sent them to our wedding planner/flower designer. Making them would've ruined the sweet memory. 

I love the little memory with my dad. So here's to small memories and cotton bolls on this Wednesday.

1 comment:

  1. Wow!! I just love this picture of cotton boll! Hey dear, I am planning for my wedding and now I need ideas to look some venues for events. Do you have any recommendations for me?
