September 21, 2014

Day 21: Vintage

My husband and I visited downtown Castle Rock, CO a few weeks ago. The town is full of antique shops, little boutiques, small churches, and restaurants. It was the perfect place for a Saturday stroll after playing tennis. 

Upon parking we noticed a vintage camper painted sea green. On the side of it was "La Lovely Vintage" and next to the camper clothes were on display. Someone incredibly creative turned an old camper into a mobile store. I was impressed. A few racks of clothes were inside as well. We didn't stop by the shop but that was probably a good thing. If the clothes were as cute as the camper we...I... could've been there a while. 

After church this past Sunday I noticed the camper was gone. Off to impress another girl I suppose. 

1 comment:

  1. Pretty sure I, too, could do some serious damage in there! I'll let you know if it comes to Wisconsin some day. :)

    PS love the blog profile picture!
