April 20, 2013

I read this passage this past week. The gardener in me soaked up every word.

Psalm 92: 12-15

The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, 
they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon; 
planted in the house of the Lord, 
they will flourish in the courts of God. 
They will still bear fruit in old age, 
they will stay fresh and green,
"The Lord is upright; he is my Rock , and there is no wickedness in him." 

In the midst of the Boston bombings, Waco explosions, and dreary days it is easy to be negative. I found this verse encouraging. The way the Psalmist uses gardening terms in the verse brightens these yucky days.

 I want to be flourishing for the Lord, planted in his presence, so I may stay fresh and green for Him. 

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