August 17, 2011

Summer Days

Here's how I'm spending my last weeks of summer. As you can tell from the pictures, Daniel took me to Flemings, we said (well I said) we were celebrating each other. It was so yummy! Every Saturday night I get to do something special with this young man... But other then dates, I have been buys with my garden. I have put more plants in since the last time I took these pictures. I have to say my garden is coming along. I hung my    bench with my dad. I really like it; I think it adds a lot. I've decided I really like to garden. I have found my hobby! I also have been going to the lake. The past Sunday, I went with Angel's family. It was so much fun. I hope to go one more time before I go to school. 

Other than that, I keep myself busy doing whatever my mother asks of me. I will admit I also take a lot of naps (which I will be doing after this). I think that my body is going to have a hard time adjusting to getting through classes without a mid-afternoon nap. Don't worry they aren't 2 or 3 hours. Just 40 to 60 minutes; that is all I need. O and I am happy to report I ran 8 miles while in Oregon (see next post). I did 8 miles! It was such a good feeling (after I was done running not during). I attempted 10 last Friday, but I think I need to do that again. I walked a bit to much, so I have been getting more mileage in this week. I hope it pays off.

I hope your summers are going well. Can't wait to see my friends back at Trinity. 

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see you! I really enjoy reading about your summer :)
