My Grandpa, I love him so much, he makes me laugh.
1.Today was grandparents day on campus. I have to say that I love grandparents, even one's that aren't mine. They are just so awesome. Chapel was held in the auditorium because there was so many people. I was sad that my grandparents could not be there, I know the trip would be to much for Grandma Viss and Grandpa and Grandma but I hope that some time in my Trinity years they could be here for Grandparents day.2.Rochelle and I (along with a few girls down the hall) decided to partake in a 30 Hour Famine for Malaria. Malaria is a disease from mosquitoes, that America does not have a problem with because the government took care of during the outbreak. Africa, on the other hand, is dealing with the killer disease. Every 30 seconds a person dies from malaria. I know it sounds like an advertisement, but it is real. I watched a documentary on it tonight called "When the Night Comes" its sad, but its very insightful. I did not know much about malaria, now I know a little more and understand how easily it kills people, especially children. A simple cure is getting bed nets out to the people of Africa. They are only $6, so thats not the problem. The problem is getting the awareness out about it so people will buy the nets for Africans. If any one is looking to do a charity event, there you go!
I'm not going to lie, I am getting hungry. I had a solid dinner at 5:30, and on a normal night I would be hungry at this time to. I just have to make it 24 more hours and I will have accomplished my first fast. So please pray for me, pray for my friends that our minds can be focused on the African people fighting a disease and not on our hunger. Also pray for those people as well.
3. Finally, registration for next semester classes happens in 20 minutes. The classes I need are not to full, expect for my Math so I am not freaking out about it as bad as last semester. Its crazy to be making plans for next year already.
Hey - Hannah and Ben - along with a lot of others from our youth group - are doing a 30-hour-famine right now, too. They're raising money for World Vision and collecting canned food for Rio Vista Center - a South Phoenix ministry with a food and clothing bank.